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Flow Interaction Templates (FLIX)


The Flow CLI provides a flix command to execute Flow Interaction Templates (FLIX). FLIX are a standard for distributing Cadence scripts and transactions, and metadata in a way that is consumable by tooling and wallets. FLIX can be audited for correctness and safety by auditors in the ecosystem.

flow flix execute <query> [<argument> <argument>...] [flags]

Queries can be a FLIX id, name, or path to a local FLIX file.

Execute Usage

# Execute a FLIX transaction by name on Testnet
flow flix execute transfer-flow 5.0 "0x123" --network testnet --signer "testnet-account"
# Execute a FLIX script by id on Testnet
flow flix execute bd10ab0bf472e6b58ecc0398e9b3d1bd58a4205f14a7099c52c0640d9589295f --network testnet
# Execute a local FLIX script by path on Testnet
flow flix execute ./multiply.template.json 2 3 --network testnet

The Flow CLI provides a flix command to package up generated plain and simple javascript. This javascript uses fcl-js to call the cadence the Flow Interaction Templates (FLIX) is based on.


Currently flix package command only supports generating fcl-js specific javascript, there are plans to support other languages like golang.

flow flix package <query> [flags]


Queries can be a FLIX id, name, or path to a local FLIX file.

Package Usage

# Generate fcl-js package code that will call the FLIX transaction cadence, save the output to a specific file
flow flix package transfer-flow --save ./package/transfer-flow.js
# Geneate package code for a FLIX script using id, since there is no saving file, the result will display in terminal
flow flix package bd10ab0bf472e6b58ecc0398e9b3d1bd58a4205f14a7099c52c0640d9589295f
# Generate package code using local template file to save in a local file
flow flix package ./multiply.template.json --save ./multiply.js

SOON: flix generate will generate FLIX json files using flix properties in comment blocks directly in Cadence code, FLIP - Interaction Template Cadence Doc


To find out more about FLIX, see the read the FLIP.

For a list of all templates, check out the FLIX template repository.

To generate a FLIX, see the FLIX CLI readme.

Arguments for both execute and package

  • Name: argument
  • Valid input: valid FLIX

Input argument value matching corresponding types in the source code and passed in the same order. You can pass a nil value to optional arguments by executing the flow flix execute script like this: flow flix execute template.json nil.

Flags for executing transactions and scripts

Arguments JSON

  • Flag: --args-json
  • Valid inputs: arguments in JSON-Cadence form.
  • Example: flow flix execute template.script.json '[{"type": "String", "value": "Hello World"}]'

Arguments passed to the Cadence script in the Cadence JSON format. Cadence JSON format contains type and value keys and is documented here.

Block Height

  • Flag: --block-height
  • Valid inputs: a block height number

Block ID

  • Flag: --block-id
  • Valid inputs: a block ID


  • Flag: --signer
  • Valid inputs: the name of an account defined in the configuration (flow.json)

Specify the name of the account that will be used to sign the transaction.


  • Flag: --proposer
  • Valid inputs: the name of an account defined in the configuration (flow.json)

Specify the name of the account that will be used as proposer in the transaction.


  • Flag: --payer
  • Valid inputs: the name of an account defined in the configuration (flow.json)

Specify the name of the account that will be used as payer in the transaction.


  • Flag: --authorizer
  • Valid inputs: the name of a single or multiple comma-separated accounts defined in the configuration (flow.json)

Specify the name of the account(s) that will be used as authorizer(s) in the transaction. If you want to provide multiple authorizers separate them using commas (e.g. alice,bob)

Gas Limit

  • Flag: --gas-limit
  • Valid inputs: an integer greater than zero.
  • Default: 1000

Specify the gas limit for this transaction.


  • Flag: --host
  • Valid inputs: an IP address or hostname.
  • Default: (Flow Emulator)

Specify the hostname of the Access API that will be used to execute the command. This flag overrides any host defined by the --network flag.

Network Key

  • Flag: --network-key
  • Valid inputs: A valid network public key of the host in hex string format

Specify the network public key of the Access API that will be used to create a secure GRPC client when executing the command.


  • Flag: --network
  • Short Flag: -n
  • Valid inputs: the name of a network defined in the configuration (flow.json)
  • Default: emulator

Specify which network you want the command to use for execution.


  • Flag: --filter
  • Short Flag: -x
  • Valid inputs: a case-sensitive name of the result property.

Specify any property name from the result you want to return as the only value.


  • Flag: --output
  • Short Flag: -o
  • Valid inputs: json, inline

Specify the format of the command results.


  • Flag: --save
  • Short Flag: -s
  • Valid inputs: a path in the current filesystem.

Specify the filename where you want the result to be saved


  • Flag: --log
  • Short Flag: -l
  • Valid inputs: none, error, debug
  • Default: info

Specify the log level. Control how much output you want to see during command execution.


  • Flag: --config-path
  • Short Flag: -f
  • Valid inputs: a path in the current filesystem.
  • Default: flow.json

Specify the path to the flow.json configuration file. You can use the -f flag multiple times to merge several configuration files.

Version Check

  • Flag: --skip-version-check
  • Default: false

Skip version check during start up to speed up process for slow connections.